Practical Finite Element Analysis
for Mechanical Engineers

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License for Activation on Two Devices

Offline Access after Activation

Compatible with all Platforms

The e-book version of "Practical Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical Engineers" is a high definition full dynamic PDF file.
The PDF is a 256-bit encrypted file available for downloading and activation for two devices (see the End-User License Agreement above).
The encrypted PDF file can be read with the free software "Javelin 3 PDF Reader" available for your favorite platform: Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 (Desktop & Laptop), Microsoft Surface, Mac OS (Desktop & Laptop), Apple iOS (iPad & iPhone) and all Android devices (Android 5 and more).
See the links below to download "Javelin 3 PDF Reader" for your platforms.

Access your e-bookin three stepsis easy

  • Step 1: Download and install the free software "Javelin 3 PDF Reader" on the device of your choice.
  • Step 2: From "Javelin 3 PDF Reader", download your e-book.
  • Step 3: Activate you e-book using the activation key provided in your purchase e-mail.
You need an internet connection for the three steps. Once the activation key is validated, you will have an unlimited offline access to your e-book.
Your activation key is valid for two devices of your choice.

Step 1: Download "Javelin3 PDF Reader" for Free

Select your platform below
Window (7), 8, 10, 11: Javelin Windows 7 users, if you do not have ".NET4.5" or later installed you will need to use Javelin v2 instead.
Try Javelin 3 first and if that does not work for you, download Javelin 2 below.

Windows 7: Javelin 2.034DownloadFor Windows 7 users who cannot use Javelin 3.
macOS 10.13 or Later
Javelin 3.05.34 (ZIP file).Download
IMPORTANT: After downloading, drag the application icon to your "Applications" folder and run. If necessary hold CTRL key down when opening to avoid warning messages from Apple. If you still have problems then check your SETTINGS app and select the "Security and Privacy" facility, General tab, and you will see you can allow apps downloaded from: "Appstore and identified developers", so that should solve the problem.

OS X 10.10 to 10.12
Javelin 3.04.29 (ZIP file).Download
IMPORTANT: After downloading, drag the application icon to your "Applications" folder and run. If necessary hold CTRL key down when opening to avoid warning messages from Apple. If you still have problems then check your SETTINGS app and select the "Security and Privacy" facility, General tab, and you will see you can allow apps downloaded from: "Appstore and identified developers", so that should solve the problem.

OS X 10.7 to 10.9
Javelin 1.01.05 (DMG file).DownloadIf necessary hold CTRL key down when opening.

Apple macOS - Older
Javelin 1.00.047 (DMG file).DownloadIf necessary hold CTRL key down when opening.
Compatible only for devices running Android 5 or above.


Step 2: Download your e-book

  • Open Javelin3 PDF Reader
  • Click the icon "Open Catalogs"
  • Find the "FEA Academy" Catalog and click on it (if you don't see it, just refresh the Catalogs by clicking the "Refresh Catalogs" icon).
  • In the "FEA Academy Catalog", click or touch the e-book "Practical Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical Engineers - First Edition".
  • Javelin will download your e-book on your device
  • You can start reading your e-book offline on your device (you will need your activation key only the first time you will open your e-book on your device - See step 3 below).

Step 3: Activate your License

  • In Javelin, click the e-book title in the FEA-ACADEMY catalog you have downloaded at step 2.
  • Javelin asks for the activation key.
  • Enter the activation key provided in your purchase e-mail.
  • Javelin contacts the DRM server and registers your activation.
  • The activation gives you an unlimited offline access to your e-book without entering again the activation key.
  • Repeat the three steps on each device you want to read your e-book with (note that your license gives you the authorization to activate your e-book on two devices).

Need a Reset of your Activation Key?

In case you activated your license for two devices and you want to transfer on a new device, contact me using the "Contact" section. I'll reset your activation key on the DRM server.

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